Saturday, January 14, 2017

pay attention

Mark my words, something is brewing, something not in the best interest of this country's sovereignty, something by someones evil.  The FBI is compromised and Donald Trump was not in any way elected legitimately.  He will never be president.  If he is sworn into office, he will be our dictator and the country is gone.  I'm not keen on predictions, honestly, but given how the world has turned upside down and nothing matters anymore, my ears have opened to the words of those who are warning us.

skip to 3:24...

There is just too much going on behind the scenes and unless there is divine intervention by aliens or some very brave men and women in this country, the evil will win. Pay attention.

History is happening right in front of us, America. And if you don't believe me (or Rachel or that blind lady), then perhaps you'll believe the sociologist who predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union.  His predictions are based on science and past events.  He also has no skin in the game, just making observations.  He actually sees the fall of the American empire as a positive.  I'm not so sure I agree with him.

skip to :36...

Only time will tell...

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