Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump is our Krampus

I have said that Trump is our Krampus - or Trumpus.  If you haven't seen the film from last year, it's really quite good.   And although PG-13, there are some pretty intense scenes in it.  It's similar to a modern version of Gremlins in terms of campy style and the use of small but terrifying monsters.  Only Krampus is a morality tale, one that warns the viewer about taking what you have for granted.  And America, you sure did.  

You have spit on our current President, one who brought us back from the George Bush era brink of financial turmoil and, for many, ruin.  You took for granted Obama's compassion for the poor and the elderly, his intelligence and his cool, steady leadership style - him in general - certainly far from perfect as all presidents prove to be.  You took for granted the very sanctity of the role "President of the United States," the leader of the free world, and replaced our current leader with a man who brags about fucking others' wives and grabbing women by the pussy, a man who robbed thousands of gullible Americans with his Trump University scam, and then stiffed them by settling a lawsuit for a fraction of what he owes them, a man who is known not to pay for services and then outlasting the little guys in court with his army of lawyers, the man who made fun of a disabled reporter on video for all to see, etc., etc., etc. - our Krampus. 

In reality and in the country once governed with some semblance of grace and decency, a sexual predator would never have been allowed near the White House.  Well, Trumpus thinks the White House is beneath him and will likely spend more of his time in his gold-plated penthouse anyway.  New York, in particular Manhattan, will be under more serious threat of terrorism and a missile target for the foreseeable future because of our newly elected POSIC.  And taxpayers will have to foot the $35 million bill to keep that monster out of harms way.  Such irony. 

As Trumpus fills out his cabinet with billionaire thugs, far right-wing Christian extremists and hawkish, failed generals, we Americans can look forward to the threat of new wars, a renewed nuclear arms race, dismantling of all of our institutions put in place to protect the average working citizen, a return to an era of cold war, fewer rights for the majority and quite possible, most likely, an authoritarian ruled country.  We'll be no better than Cuba or Poland, not that I mean to throw shade on those countries' denizens.  But just ask them how the austerity and extreme right rule is affecting their quality of life - or lack there of. 

I wonder if and when the 26.3% of Americans who actually voted for Trumpus are going to wake up and realize that, no, Trump isn't going to pivot and suddenly be some wise, capable leader.  When are they going to realize that he is quite possibly unhinged and that even before he gets into office, he is essentially causing chaos and extreme worry all over the world with his bizarre, immature, and threatening tweets.  When are they going to acknowledge that if Trump proves to be the threat the rest of us warned he'd be, then they have essentially thrown away a safer, less tumultuous future for their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  
We're just so spectacularly fucked, and I still can't fathom how we arrived here - fake news aside, Russia's meddling aside, the FBI's criminal behavior aside, the GOP suppressing minority voters aside, Hillary's gender aside, the demonization of her did this happen?  How were a handful of emails so egregious and corrupt to millions in this beautiful nation that they purposely chose to usher in all that isn't good?  It boggles the mind.  And now, we all will bear the cost. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

you don't say

More Trumpgrets today as more of the stupids continue to wake from their orange-liquored state of ignorance.  And surprise, surprise!  They all upset over the fact that our POSIC Elect has told the GOP he's down for defunding Planned Parenthood.  And of course, Texas is leading the pack of dumbed-down red states in the fight to control all that lone state low-income pussy.  There will be more stupids born into poverty, but who cares!  Babies are not what Pro-life is all about.  The life those pros care about is all that jiz shot up the ol' birth shoot when grunting boys-who-will-boys get little ladies to assume the position.  And since birth control is a lascivious, out of control slut in the making, we need to get rid of that shit too!  - well, for impoverished sluts, anyway. Those who can afford it, can find a way to get it, kind of like how it will be in the not so distant future when all abortions will be illegal.  Of course, rich women needn't worry.  

Now most educated folk know that Planned Parenthood isn't what the right-winging conservatives claim it is.  And in fact, the organization's purpose is to offer "high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education." All I had to do was Google Planned Parenthood to get that info.   And guess what?  It turns out that some of them Trump supporters use Planned Parenthood, as it is their sole provider of medical care!


Oooh...they pissed!  I guess in their alternate reality, when the GOP says they want to get rid of programs and services that actually help low-income Americans - because Jesus!  And got to control them pussies! - the stupids think that those programs and services will still be there for them and their families.  You know? - unicorn farting fairy dust logic!

I had to chuckle at this quote in particular:

Really?  A bubble? A tyrant?  You don't say.  And that silly notion of vetting the goddamn candidates before you cast your vote, might be something to consider in the future.  Oh, who am I kidding?  This Trump supporter isn't going to be breaking out of that fart bubble anytime in his/her lifetime.  Nope.  The ire aimed at Trump will very quickly be replaced with finger-shame-blaming "Obummer" and the "libtards," because that is what the true patriots do.  One thing these folks don't lack in spades is predictability. 

Take for example Exhibit A below.  She could be the poster child for the typical Trumpster, and I'm betting a Christian one at that!

Old racist deplorable got all worked up because one of them Spanish speaking chicks walked up to the other Spanish speaking chick (presumably friends and presumably there shopping together) and added two shirts to the purchase in progress.  How that's skipping line, I don't know.  But that younger gal could have flat out pole-vaulted over the heads of everyone in line and that old lady wouldn't have a right to say what she said and act as she did, but this is just a continuation of what's already been happening in America as more deplorables are being caught on tape spitting their acrid hate at others, like the pious Jesus-in-the-heart Americans they be!  

Exhibit B above is a fine product of barnyard-rearing.  Ms. Boyle's fee-fees were so very hurt when the black cashier in the store dared to insist she must purchase a $1 reusable bag due to the size of her purchase. Never mind that all customers are asked to do the same, Ms. Boyle was having none of it.  Such incredible discrimination against her white privilege!    

We're just going to see more of this.  Get your cameras ready. The worst among us are feeling emboldened, even during this Jesus-y, CHRISTmas season, so it seems.  Of course, Trump, an admitted pussy-grabbing-racist-filth-filter, is their newly elected role model.   We can expect no better, ya'll.    

Oh yeah, America is getting great again.  The hogs are out stomping mud like the good ol' days. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

dear trump voter

Dear Trump Voter,

So, December 19th came and went, no surprises whatsoever with respect to the Electoral College not actually doing what it was truly intended for – protecting America from a dangerous, unfit despot, ushered into power with the clandestine assistance from a hostile foreign country.  Nope. The conservative Republican electors unanimously voted for Trump.  On the other side of the aisle, there was no such unity.  In fact, a few liberal/progressive Democratic electors were faithless and cast their votes for Bernie Sanders; one even threw away his/her vote for Faith Spotted Eagle.  If you’ve ever wondered why the left keeps getting crushed by the right every decade or so, this is it.  Liberals/progressives simply cannot unite in loyalty to their party even when the country is at stake, whereas their far-right, conservative counterparts are willing to burn this nation to the ground (quite possibly literally now that we have a madman in charge) in favor of their party and hatred of anyone who doesn’t fit perfectly into their ideological mold. 

Thus, we have now arrived at a critical mass of sorts in our society, one that many of us feared would come, with only one month to go before Trumpism begins.  The hope that our newly elected demagogue will be replaced by a sane candidate is slowly fading.  I for one didn’t think the outcome from yesterday’s Electoral College vote would be any different than expected.  Since November 9th, I’ve come to the bitter realization that the crazies have taken over in this country and the myth of “checks and balances” is exactly that.  It reminds me of the movie by the same name, The Crazies, only the chemical weapon that has been released upon 26.3% of Americans in this new reality is not from external military factions, but from within their very minds and souls.  Shame on you, Trump’s America, a place where corruption is a step toward success, morals are whims, compassion is a sign of weakness, and common decency no longer has meaning.

But you already know this.  You voted to make this whole place "great again" - like a super-duper episode of Mad Men.   In your reality, we're headed back to the glory days when tough guys (otherwise known as bullies and/or sociopaths) roamed free from fear of political correctness and shame - or even punishment. When grown men ruled over their households and their little women accepted their purpose of being whores at home, ladies in public.  When young men couldn't control their sexual urges (nor should we expect them to!) and their rape victims were to blame for it.  When the rich, white folk reigned supreme, the comfort of white privilege worn like a fur coat in proud glory.  When feminists were just a bunch of ugly women burning tiny bras, gay folk stayed hidden, black/brown/yellow folk were lesser-than, and America was the biggest, baddest, fuck-you-planet-earth nation in the world!  Fuck, yeah!  

That's your idea of great, or some of it, part of it...  But for the rest of us, it's the return to an acceptance of and desire for a dangerous, arguably evil, white nationalism (with the few token ____ fill in the blank).  It reminds us of ideology not only from the 1950/60s, but from the 1930/40s - you know, when that dude with a tiny mustache incited a holocaust?   Trust me, your denial of trying to repeat history will never excuse you from the heartache and suffering your actions, your vote, may now bring to this great nation.  Your immigrant ancestors would be appalled.  But!...history must repeat, must repeat, must repeat...

Just as our new dictator is formally elected, it is yet again reported that he and his family are resorting to even greater corruption day by day.  How can you accept this?  How can you, dear Trump Voter, wrestle with your conscience as you look in the mirror, assuming you aren’t one of the many genuine deplorables – people who actually desire the purging of other races/religions/classes, violent take-over, and forcing the country to conform to the Christian morality and rule by the white man (over women).  How do you look at yourself at all?  How do you justify Trump’s cabinet picks?  To use one example -  Mike Flynn, Trump’s pick for National Security Advisor.  This is a man who has spread fake news and then tried to cover it up.   

This is a man who is an extremist, one who circumvented protocol and ethical norms within a position for which he was hired to protect our nation:

“Flynn broke rules he thought were stupid. He once told me about a period he spent assigned to a C.I.A. station in Iraq, when he would sometimes sneak out of the compound without the “insane” required approval from C.I.A. headquarters, in Langley, Virginia. He had technicians secretly install an Internet connection in his Pentagon office, even though it was forbidden. There was also the time he gave classified information to nato allies without approval, an incident which prompted an investigation, and a warning from superiors. During his stint as Mullen’s intelligence chief, Flynn would often write “This is bullshit!” in the margins of classified papers he was obliged to pass on to his boss, someone who saw these papers told me.”  (source)

Since you hated Hillary Clinton with a passion reserved for hell, how does this sit with you that a man who handed over classified information and kept a secret internet connection in his office at the Pentagon is now being considered for this powerful role in the Trump administration?  And do you know what hypocrite means?  (I'm assuming you do.)  

You can’t deny your responsibility in all of this or relinquish your collusion.  No change of heart you may have in the near future will help redeem you as ethical or compassionate…or decent.  The rest of us who voted for our great country and all of its citizens' rights can at least be righteous in knowing that we aren’t secretly hateful in our hearts and mundanely ignorant of mind.  

Your fear and ignorance is what helped bring the most corrupt man in modern times into power over this nation at a pivotal time in our world's history.  In some ways, you’re worse than the deplorables.  They can at least admit who they are and that they have no character or word to fall back on.  They can drool and spit, aroused by the current and continuing divisiveness.  They make no excuses.  

But you and other conservatives, who claim to be good, kind patriots of this country, are the real cowards and traitors.  Before November 8th, you were warned about Russia, just as you were warned about the white supremacists hanging onto Trump’s coattails on the off-chance they’d actually get into power and become relevant again.  You were warned about the unfit-to-serve, irrational, thin-skinned, narcissistic conman who is now going to have his fingertips just minutes away from launching nuclear missiles.  You were warned about all of this.  You aren’t a knuckle-dragger and you may be one of many who are college educated.  You have no excuse.  You just really are that anti-American and awful. 

The 65 million+ of us who voted for sanity, decency, inclusiveness, freedom and America won’t forget, won't forgive, won’t accept.  We will resist. And make no mistake about it – we don’t need you, nor will we comfort you if and when you finally realize the damage you’ve done. That’s all yours to repent.  Own it.

Wir Vertrauen in Gott,


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Russia is not our friend

The one thing I refuse to do now and going forward is check out, i.e. pretend everything is normal and join the moving right along, nothing to see here, apathetic crowd.   None of us should do that, stakes are too high, and because that is how we all ended up here to begin with.   Voter turnout this year was dismal given all that was up for grabs in terms of power over this country for decades to come.

Those stats above from were provided on November 30th, so they may have changed slightly since then (but not much).  Point is, Trump was voted into office by 26.3% of Americans.  Think about that.  If Hillary was at 26.5% with a total of 55.4% of Americans even bothering to do their civic duty, that leaves roughly 44.6% of Americans who either pissed their vote away on a 3rd party candidate (extremely small %) or who simply didn't vote at all - and that very last group will forever be known as non-patriots.  The one thing anyone capable and healthy should do is vote. (Note: I'm not referring to the minorities who were kept from voting by voter suppression tactics the GOP uses/d.  Those folks were denied their right to participate in democracy, had it stolen from them, and shouldn't be blamed.)

Then, we have the traitors, citizens of this country who think favorably of Vladamir Putin, former KGB and considered more dictator than leader of Russia, and who voted for Trump due to a lust for change that involves violence and hatred towards anyone non-white.  What's so sickening is that for the last eight years, these very same traitors spit on and at President Obama, calling him Muslim terrorist (among many other names), and insisted he was a pussy for not standing up to Putin.  Now?!!  They defend Trump, applauding his membership in the Putin fan-boy club.  As if the last 30 years didn't exist, they simply deny any wrongdoing when it comes to Russia.  What changed their minds?  Why, a black man leaving office that a white man will now hold is what (oh, and fuck that woman running for president!).  Nothing else matters but white man power...including the safety and sovereignty of our very own country.  Oh, dear Jesus, are we fucked. 

As a side note, I still don't understand how James Comey isn't in jail - or, at very least, out of a job.  Nor do I understand how Trump isn't already being tried for treason. I guess I'm now living in Parallel Universe/Reality Number Three, otherwise known as Vacation Hell.  Thankfully, to my distraught mind, I'm not the only one who's having these thoughts.  And in case you missed it, hint...Russia is not our friend.

I can only hope that something will come out sooner rather than later, showing Trump's ties to the Kremlin and that justice will prevail for the sake of our country.  I hate Pence (post on him soon), but at least we know the kind of devil he is.  He's cut from the same cloth of all other politicians and simply wants to control penises and vaginas - that's his main obsession.  Combined with Paul Ryan, he can do some real damage, but nothing to the tune of nuclear destruction. At least, that's the perception.  Trump, on the other hand, with the help of Steve Bannon (another post at another time), could get us all killed.  They are the burn-it-to-the-ground champions.  And "it" is America.  

Forgive me for posting a Glenn Beck interview here, but he knows Bannon well.  I don't agree with everything he says (duh!), but I think his warning is valid. 

With that I'll leave you with a little humor...something not at all funny, but LOLOLOL! anyway.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

the internet never forgets

Some folks think that social media is a curse, while others don't think about it at all and just use it.  I'm in the middle.  I use it, but yes, it has dumbed/numbed all of us and has become a lazy form of human connection.  However, it also keeps us informed far better and faster than in the past.  And one more big ol' bonus - it allows us to watch our deranged, unhinged, dangerous POSIC Elect continue to dodder about like some rabid orangutan, throwing his own feces at us gawkers. Just remember, if this fuckmonkey actually gets into office, which is pretty much a given at this point, he's going to get us all killed.  Don't believe me?  Fine.  Michael Moore will tell you.  And before you scoff at the Moorester, remember that he predicted Donald Dipshit would win the presidential election.  I'm really very worried his prognostications are a two-fer. 

Let's see what the Pussy-Grabber tweeted out today, shall we?

Given that it's the nature of the internet to react to the tweets put out by our newly elected ding-dong, who's just a-gonna piss China and the rest of the world off all the more, we got this brilliant tweeted response by Mirriam-Webster 11 minutes later:

Since this morning, Trump's handlers have removed the tweet with "unpresidented" and replaced it with one using the word unprecedented (you'd think they'd just remove that tweet entirely, right?  Nope.  To them, fighting with China via Twitter is a most excellent foreign diplomacy tactic.)  They did the same when he sent out the below tweet:

His handlers fixed the "waite" to wait and retweeted that bullshit all over again too.   But the internet never forgets, Donny boy!  And given that you, sir, you major jackass dicktator du jour, shouldn't be using a fucking social media platform to be picking fights with other countries or sending out press releases to the US constituencies, perhaps you could just do as all a yuge favor - 1) get the fuck off Twitter; and 2) impeach yourself.  I mean, why wait for others to do it?

Now excuse, me.  I got some more laughing-my-ass-off to do before I go throw up. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

it's not going to end well

Have you heard?  Lots of Trump supporters are beginning to stir from their orange-liquor induced inebriation slumber.  Just as they yawn and scratch their asses, a realization that maybe the devil they didn't know really is worse than the woman they hated for reasons still very unclear to me and the millions of other Americans in my parallel universe...otherwise known as reality.   What these folks are now feeling, some for the very first time, is regret - or TrumpVoterRegrets (Trumpgrets), as the internet has coined this phenomenon. 

To me, Trumpgrets are like shots of cheap Tequila.  I am well aware of just how much like ass I’m going to feel tomorrow, but damn I feel good now and I still had money left over for a bag of Doritos and a Slim Jim. 

Here are quite a few tears collected this week:

Voting against your own interests out of stupidity (and also because you're a racist, misogynistic fuckwit) is like setting your own farts on fire while sitting in a haystack next to stockpile of firecrackers.  It's not going to end well, so why do it?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

hell is now sub-zero

In five days, the US electors will vote into office the next President of the United States.  Or, they will vote into office the Pussy-Grabber-Putin-Puppet of the United Soviet States. I'm sure you can imagine, I have my sphincter clenched into the shape of a crucifix, praying for divine intervention, Hail, Mary!, or just a jolly good miracle that it's the former and not the latter.   I know it's far fetched to believe that our Electoral College will vote their conscience and choose their country over the Russian mafia, but one must always hold out hope.

Today there were some real wing-dingers in the news and in the Twittersperes.  Not only is my liver slowly drowning to death, but my brain is hemorrhaging from all of my face palming.  

Our POSIC Elect did some dicktatory shit again today (something we can just expect 24/7 after 1/20 if he's sworn in).  First, he met with tech industry executives in his gold-plated pimp tower.  I'm not criticizing the meeting, actually.  If those tech folks want to sit at attention at Trump's heels, with their tongues out and paws up, so be it.  But, um...about his children being at that meeting and, um, some branding opportunities going on, that ain't right.  Can you spot the dicktator dictatorshit? 

Yes, Charles, this is what dictators do.  And what opportunists do as well.  Note the Trump water on the tables (classy 🖒). 

Also, speaking of incredibly creepy, Charles, did you know that Ivanka is going to be given an office in the East Wing of the White House?  Normally, that office would go to the FLOTUS.  But, it's not.  It's going to FDOTUS, because that's normal, ya'll.  Right?

Let's just say, there was a lot of trash talk on Twitter today that I've not heard since the last time someone joked with me, "You're from the south, you know all about keeping it in the family, don't ya?"

Okay, that's as far as I'll go with that.  I have no interest in attacking Ivanka or Melania.  It's not because they're women or that I think them any less morally corrupt than the man they're married to, but they didn't ask for this very bright flashlight to be shined all up in their private, inner drawers.  And truthfully, whatever Ivanka's relationship is with her dad is none of my business.  

However, if we tax payers end up footing the bill for her to have an office in the White House all while she continues her made-in-Africa shoes and jewelry line hawking, then it does become my and every other American's business.  Wait...duh!  That doesn't apply to this new administration.  Because, dictatorship!  And hell is now sub-zero with pigs flying everywhere.  

In other news...

Oh, and...

Plus, bonus...

Let's imagine, shall we, if the alternate parallel universe, i.e. hell, that I'm living in currently were flipped...

Great idea.  I vote we shut this whole America-done-lost-its-damn-mind down now, personally.  But democrats don't fight dirty like republicans, so that's not happening.  Instead, we have to pray, wish, summons, and hold our breath that the electors will do the right thing.

With that I will leave you with Keith Olbermann.  I swear, in this crazy parallel universe, he's my brain talking.  Seriously, my brain manifested into a 50+ year old male commentator with a penchant for freaking the fuck out.  Seems fitting.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

weep for the planet

Security is when everything is settled, when nothing can happen to you; security is the denial of life.
- Germaine Greer

Just when I think I'm actually losing my mind, as if my conscious is out on stage performing the role of some street-corner character clutching a dirty paper bag, pointing at invisible foes, and operating on some upper, outer fringe of reality, along comes someone who puts my very thoughts into words (much better than I can).  Someone sane and logical, able to simplify the complex and to capture the almost paralyzing fear that I and, as it's becoming more obvious, millions of other Americans are feeling.  We, the millions in my current reality, aren't insane.  We aren't wrong and we aren't spreading conspiracy theories or smoking wacky weed (well, some may be, but I'm not - asthma!). We are dead fucking right. 

This year's election was a sham.  It can be argued that it was stolen and fraudulent, because the white-supremacists, Russians and our very own FBI(!!!) tampered with it in ways so far dirtier than anyone on the left could have imagined, we are just now hearing that what we (the millions and me) fear is being elevated into the realm of credible.  Credible, that is, IF you believe the intelligence agencies in the US, the White House, some of the few in Congress who actually give a shit about this country's future, visionaries, and scientists.  Not credible if you believe Donald Trump and his gang of fanged, ghoulish villains...and Putin - you know, the dude who hates western liberalism, the USA, and is a dictator who murders people he doesn't like with impunity. Yeah, him. 

My gut told me months before the election that the far-right crowd was going to cheat and steal the presidency ...somehow.  I read the Wikileaks daily dump of the DNC emails, every stupid one of them, and then observed the memes and disinformation spread like wildfire across all platforms of social media, some of it so far fetched as to be farcical.  For example:

  No, Clinton and Obama are not demons - fuck you, Alex Jones! 

I watched with fret as the democrats turned on one another during the primaries.  The writing on the wall had already begun, the unraveling unstoppable just as it had only barely tipped to one side of the political table.  I'm not saying I'm prophetic or smarter than anyone else (ha!), and to be clear I was not the only one watching this shit show gain traction, but I was paying attention, something so many Americans simply refuse to do even now in the face of losing this country to a very far-right-wing group of malefactors.  

I saw it coming and kept my finger on the pulse of both the extreme right and the extreme left.  I read articles from websites and forums, disturbed by the propaganda disseminated on both sides, and digging deep through it, found the sane, moderate voices within both groups (yes, they do exist, somewhere in the middle of the pendulum). I cherry-picked from what I knew was truth not chicanery and did what I could to ensure that my reality was in fact reality.  I then warned others, trying to persuade anyone planning to vote third party or not to vote at all to reconsider given the stakes, given the possibility of being on the wrong side of history and our disheartening ability as humans to repeat it.  My mother is my witness.  She can tell you that if she had to hear one more warning from me about how Russia was trying to take over our government and that we could be facing a modern Hitler, she was going to...!  (However, now, she believes me.) 

I've come to realize that I was never on any outer fringe, after all. Nope.  I was, in fact, facing the fringe straight on, staring it in the eye. And what I saw there is what keeps me up at night. Well, that fringe will soon be all of our reality if a miracle doesn't soon appear.  January 20th, we will be facing Authoritarianism.  If you don't know what that is, please, I beg you, pay attention, do your research, educate yourself, and wake the fuck up.  Everything is not going to be okay.

Today's resistance report: 

Thank you, Robert Reich. 

Thank you, Dan Rather, for spreading this article


Kurt did it again - exposed the truth.  Trump should never be allowed in the White House. 

And one last bit of "you must be fucking kidding me" fuckery...

Click here for the full article.  After reading that, weep for America and weep for the planet. 

Then, fight.  

Monday, December 12, 2016

we really don't want to do that

Today, I learned that Sarah Palin will be saving us all, ya'll.  She can still see Russia from her window and, well, she'll keep an eye on them for us! 

Oh, thank God!  Our favorite "see you next Tuesday" is going to keep an eye on Russia for us.  I can sleep better already.

In the meantime, her buddy, our POSIC Elect, did his usual tweet-piss-fit on Twitter today: 

I included David Frum's responses because I found them quite brilliant. Trump won't get the hypocrisy, but I applaud David for trying.   Just as I applaud Evan McMullin - you know, the ex CIA dude who ran as a third party candidate in Utah?  He had some pretty interesting things to say as well.

This whole Russia interfering in our elections, *cough*war crime*cough*, has me petrified as it should every single American.  Putin is a murderous dictator who would love nothing more than to destroy our country.  This is serious biz, folks.  Believe it.  Or if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe the former acting CIA director when he calls the hack of our election by the Russians a political 9/11.  

And if all of the above was not enough to get your teeth a chatterin', first - something is wrong with you- and second, perhaps this will:

Apparently, that little congrats call with Taiwan (the one lobbied for months in advanced by Bob-what-the-fuck-Dole) that our POSIC Elect made on his private cell phone really, really, really, really pissed China off.  And we really don't want to do that.  Foreign diplomacy is like a delicate dance between two phrenic partners - negotiation and tradition.  Trump does not understand these nuances, let alone how to perform this dance.  The stupids in this country believe him to be some bullish, fantastic businessman because he has money, all while ignoring his pitiful business failures.  And as for his understanding of foreign policy?  Pfft...he might as well just consult Sarah Palin directly.  I put more trust in her keeping an eye on Russia from her window than I do anything he has done thus far and will likely do in the future...including getting us all killed.  

WWIII, anyone?