Sunday, December 11, 2016

he's so smart

Nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning and hearing your newly elected narcissistic, sociopathic, POSIC Elect man-baby speak in incoherent sentences about not needing daily intelligent briefings for the next four years during an interview with Chris Wallace.  He's so smart, don't ya know!  Plus, those intelligence briefings he gets straight from the Kremlin are keeping him plenty informed to run destroy this country.  

I'm not the biggest fan of Chris Wallace, but his deadpan expression at 1:07 says it all.

P.S. after the video, FOX News (aka FAUX News) slips in another little sneaky video trying to normalize this bullshit.  At the end of the video, the young reporter states, "But a former CIA officer told Politico that Trump's briefing habits are a bad metric to judge him by..." - as long as those around him get the briefings and pass the info on to him.   Oooo...propaganda much, FOX?  

Hey, America in your current freedom & rights state, wake the fuck up and then repeat after me...

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