Tuesday, December 13, 2016

weep for the planet

Security is when everything is settled, when nothing can happen to you; security is the denial of life.
- Germaine Greer

Just when I think I'm actually losing my mind, as if my conscious is out on stage performing the role of some street-corner character clutching a dirty paper bag, pointing at invisible foes, and operating on some upper, outer fringe of reality, along comes someone who puts my very thoughts into words (much better than I can).  Someone sane and logical, able to simplify the complex and to capture the almost paralyzing fear that I and, as it's becoming more obvious, millions of other Americans are feeling.  We, the millions in my current reality, aren't insane.  We aren't wrong and we aren't spreading conspiracy theories or smoking wacky weed (well, some may be, but I'm not - asthma!). We are dead fucking right. 

This year's election was a sham.  It can be argued that it was stolen and fraudulent, because the white-supremacists, Russians and our very own FBI(!!!) tampered with it in ways so far dirtier than anyone on the left could have imagined, we are just now hearing that what we (the millions and me) fear is being elevated into the realm of credible.  Credible, that is, IF you believe the intelligence agencies in the US, the White House, some of the few in Congress who actually give a shit about this country's future, visionaries, and scientists.  Not credible if you believe Donald Trump and his gang of fanged, ghoulish villains...and Putin - you know, the dude who hates western liberalism, the USA, and is a dictator who murders people he doesn't like with impunity. Yeah, him. 

My gut told me months before the election that the far-right crowd was going to cheat and steal the presidency ...somehow.  I read the Wikileaks daily dump of the DNC emails, every stupid one of them, and then observed the memes and disinformation spread like wildfire across all platforms of social media, some of it so far fetched as to be farcical.  For example:

  No, Clinton and Obama are not demons - fuck you, Alex Jones! 

I watched with fret as the democrats turned on one another during the primaries.  The writing on the wall had already begun, the unraveling unstoppable just as it had only barely tipped to one side of the political table.  I'm not saying I'm prophetic or smarter than anyone else (ha!), and to be clear I was not the only one watching this shit show gain traction, but I was paying attention, something so many Americans simply refuse to do even now in the face of losing this country to a very far-right-wing group of malefactors.  

I saw it coming and kept my finger on the pulse of both the extreme right and the extreme left.  I read articles from websites and forums, disturbed by the propaganda disseminated on both sides, and digging deep through it, found the sane, moderate voices within both groups (yes, they do exist, somewhere in the middle of the pendulum). I cherry-picked from what I knew was truth not chicanery and did what I could to ensure that my reality was in fact reality.  I then warned others, trying to persuade anyone planning to vote third party or not to vote at all to reconsider given the stakes, given the possibility of being on the wrong side of history and our disheartening ability as humans to repeat it.  My mother is my witness.  She can tell you that if she had to hear one more warning from me about how Russia was trying to take over our government and that we could be facing a modern Hitler, she was going to...!  (However, now, she believes me.) 

I've come to realize that I was never on any outer fringe, after all. Nope.  I was, in fact, facing the fringe straight on, staring it in the eye. And what I saw there is what keeps me up at night. Well, that fringe will soon be all of our reality if a miracle doesn't soon appear.  January 20th, we will be facing Authoritarianism.  If you don't know what that is, please, I beg you, pay attention, do your research, educate yourself, and wake the fuck up.  Everything is not going to be okay.

Today's resistance report: 

Thank you, Robert Reich. 

Thank you, Dan Rather, for spreading this article


Kurt did it again - exposed the truth.  Trump should never be allowed in the White House. 

And one last bit of "you must be fucking kidding me" fuckery...

Click here for the full article.  After reading that, weep for America and weep for the planet. 

Then, fight.  

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