Wednesday, December 21, 2016

you don't say

More Trumpgrets today as more of the stupids continue to wake from their orange-liquored state of ignorance.  And surprise, surprise!  They all upset over the fact that our POSIC Elect has told the GOP he's down for defunding Planned Parenthood.  And of course, Texas is leading the pack of dumbed-down red states in the fight to control all that lone state low-income pussy.  There will be more stupids born into poverty, but who cares!  Babies are not what Pro-life is all about.  The life those pros care about is all that jiz shot up the ol' birth shoot when grunting boys-who-will-boys get little ladies to assume the position.  And since birth control is a lascivious, out of control slut in the making, we need to get rid of that shit too!  - well, for impoverished sluts, anyway. Those who can afford it, can find a way to get it, kind of like how it will be in the not so distant future when all abortions will be illegal.  Of course, rich women needn't worry.  

Now most educated folk know that Planned Parenthood isn't what the right-winging conservatives claim it is.  And in fact, the organization's purpose is to offer "high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education." All I had to do was Google Planned Parenthood to get that info.   And guess what?  It turns out that some of them Trump supporters use Planned Parenthood, as it is their sole provider of medical care!


Oooh...they pissed!  I guess in their alternate reality, when the GOP says they want to get rid of programs and services that actually help low-income Americans - because Jesus!  And got to control them pussies! - the stupids think that those programs and services will still be there for them and their families.  You know? - unicorn farting fairy dust logic!

I had to chuckle at this quote in particular:

Really?  A bubble? A tyrant?  You don't say.  And that silly notion of vetting the goddamn candidates before you cast your vote, might be something to consider in the future.  Oh, who am I kidding?  This Trump supporter isn't going to be breaking out of that fart bubble anytime in his/her lifetime.  Nope.  The ire aimed at Trump will very quickly be replaced with finger-shame-blaming "Obummer" and the "libtards," because that is what the true patriots do.  One thing these folks don't lack in spades is predictability. 

Take for example Exhibit A below.  She could be the poster child for the typical Trumpster, and I'm betting a Christian one at that!

Old racist deplorable got all worked up because one of them Spanish speaking chicks walked up to the other Spanish speaking chick (presumably friends and presumably there shopping together) and added two shirts to the purchase in progress.  How that's skipping line, I don't know.  But that younger gal could have flat out pole-vaulted over the heads of everyone in line and that old lady wouldn't have a right to say what she said and act as she did, but this is just a continuation of what's already been happening in America as more deplorables are being caught on tape spitting their acrid hate at others, like the pious Jesus-in-the-heart Americans they be!  

Exhibit B above is a fine product of barnyard-rearing.  Ms. Boyle's fee-fees were so very hurt when the black cashier in the store dared to insist she must purchase a $1 reusable bag due to the size of her purchase. Never mind that all customers are asked to do the same, Ms. Boyle was having none of it.  Such incredible discrimination against her white privilege!    

We're just going to see more of this.  Get your cameras ready. The worst among us are feeling emboldened, even during this Jesus-y, CHRISTmas season, so it seems.  Of course, Trump, an admitted pussy-grabbing-racist-filth-filter, is their newly elected role model.   We can expect no better, ya'll.    

Oh yeah, America is getting great again.  The hogs are out stomping mud like the good ol' days. 

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