Sunday, December 18, 2016

Russia is not our friend

The one thing I refuse to do now and going forward is check out, i.e. pretend everything is normal and join the moving right along, nothing to see here, apathetic crowd.   None of us should do that, stakes are too high, and because that is how we all ended up here to begin with.   Voter turnout this year was dismal given all that was up for grabs in terms of power over this country for decades to come.

Those stats above from were provided on November 30th, so they may have changed slightly since then (but not much).  Point is, Trump was voted into office by 26.3% of Americans.  Think about that.  If Hillary was at 26.5% with a total of 55.4% of Americans even bothering to do their civic duty, that leaves roughly 44.6% of Americans who either pissed their vote away on a 3rd party candidate (extremely small %) or who simply didn't vote at all - and that very last group will forever be known as non-patriots.  The one thing anyone capable and healthy should do is vote. (Note: I'm not referring to the minorities who were kept from voting by voter suppression tactics the GOP uses/d.  Those folks were denied their right to participate in democracy, had it stolen from them, and shouldn't be blamed.)

Then, we have the traitors, citizens of this country who think favorably of Vladamir Putin, former KGB and considered more dictator than leader of Russia, and who voted for Trump due to a lust for change that involves violence and hatred towards anyone non-white.  What's so sickening is that for the last eight years, these very same traitors spit on and at President Obama, calling him Muslim terrorist (among many other names), and insisted he was a pussy for not standing up to Putin.  Now?!!  They defend Trump, applauding his membership in the Putin fan-boy club.  As if the last 30 years didn't exist, they simply deny any wrongdoing when it comes to Russia.  What changed their minds?  Why, a black man leaving office that a white man will now hold is what (oh, and fuck that woman running for president!).  Nothing else matters but white man power...including the safety and sovereignty of our very own country.  Oh, dear Jesus, are we fucked. 

As a side note, I still don't understand how James Comey isn't in jail - or, at very least, out of a job.  Nor do I understand how Trump isn't already being tried for treason. I guess I'm now living in Parallel Universe/Reality Number Three, otherwise known as Vacation Hell.  Thankfully, to my distraught mind, I'm not the only one who's having these thoughts.  And in case you missed it, hint...Russia is not our friend.

I can only hope that something will come out sooner rather than later, showing Trump's ties to the Kremlin and that justice will prevail for the sake of our country.  I hate Pence (post on him soon), but at least we know the kind of devil he is.  He's cut from the same cloth of all other politicians and simply wants to control penises and vaginas - that's his main obsession.  Combined with Paul Ryan, he can do some real damage, but nothing to the tune of nuclear destruction. At least, that's the perception.  Trump, on the other hand, with the help of Steve Bannon (another post at another time), could get us all killed.  They are the burn-it-to-the-ground champions.  And "it" is America.  

Forgive me for posting a Glenn Beck interview here, but he knows Bannon well.  I don't agree with everything he says (duh!), but I think his warning is valid. 

With that I'll leave you with a little humor...something not at all funny, but LOLOLOL! anyway.


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