Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump is our Krampus

I have said that Trump is our Krampus - or Trumpus.  If you haven't seen the film from last year, it's really quite good.   And although PG-13, there are some pretty intense scenes in it.  It's similar to a modern version of Gremlins in terms of campy style and the use of small but terrifying monsters.  Only Krampus is a morality tale, one that warns the viewer about taking what you have for granted.  And America, you sure did.  

You have spit on our current President, one who brought us back from the George Bush era brink of financial turmoil and, for many, ruin.  You took for granted Obama's compassion for the poor and the elderly, his intelligence and his cool, steady leadership style - him in general - certainly far from perfect as all presidents prove to be.  You took for granted the very sanctity of the role "President of the United States," the leader of the free world, and replaced our current leader with a man who brags about fucking others' wives and grabbing women by the pussy, a man who robbed thousands of gullible Americans with his Trump University scam, and then stiffed them by settling a lawsuit for a fraction of what he owes them, a man who is known not to pay for services and then outlasting the little guys in court with his army of lawyers, the man who made fun of a disabled reporter on video for all to see, etc., etc., etc. - our Krampus. 

In reality and in the country once governed with some semblance of grace and decency, a sexual predator would never have been allowed near the White House.  Well, Trumpus thinks the White House is beneath him and will likely spend more of his time in his gold-plated penthouse anyway.  New York, in particular Manhattan, will be under more serious threat of terrorism and a missile target for the foreseeable future because of our newly elected POSIC.  And taxpayers will have to foot the $35 million bill to keep that monster out of harms way.  Such irony. 

As Trumpus fills out his cabinet with billionaire thugs, far right-wing Christian extremists and hawkish, failed generals, we Americans can look forward to the threat of new wars, a renewed nuclear arms race, dismantling of all of our institutions put in place to protect the average working citizen, a return to an era of cold war, fewer rights for the majority and quite possible, most likely, an authoritarian ruled country.  We'll be no better than Cuba or Poland, not that I mean to throw shade on those countries' denizens.  But just ask them how the austerity and extreme right rule is affecting their quality of life - or lack there of. 

I wonder if and when the 26.3% of Americans who actually voted for Trumpus are going to wake up and realize that, no, Trump isn't going to pivot and suddenly be some wise, capable leader.  When are they going to realize that he is quite possibly unhinged and that even before he gets into office, he is essentially causing chaos and extreme worry all over the world with his bizarre, immature, and threatening tweets.  When are they going to acknowledge that if Trump proves to be the threat the rest of us warned he'd be, then they have essentially thrown away a safer, less tumultuous future for their children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  
We're just so spectacularly fucked, and I still can't fathom how we arrived here - fake news aside, Russia's meddling aside, the FBI's criminal behavior aside, the GOP suppressing minority voters aside, Hillary's gender aside, the demonization of her did this happen?  How were a handful of emails so egregious and corrupt to millions in this beautiful nation that they purposely chose to usher in all that isn't good?  It boggles the mind.  And now, we all will bear the cost. 

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