Thursday, December 8, 2016

futures seem less certain

After my phone call with Mom tonight, I had one tiny glimmer of hope stir itself from within the depths of my numbed, wary conscious.  In a context way too long to divulge, she commented,"'s as if we're headed back to having the same happen as in Germany, 1940."

For as much TV as my mother watches, she isn't sleepwalking, like so many do in this country.  Nor is her head stuck down or up anywhere that she can't be informed and engaged.  In fact, she gets it.  She may not like the topic of politics but she is intrigued by the plight of humans.  She knows her history better than most and, at 78 years of age, she is well aware that history can be and often is repeated.

"You get it, Mom." 

"Yes, I get it."

She also understood my inability to talk for a few minutes while I tried but failed at holding back tears, and why I said that I feel there is no future.  She didn't agree with me, but she's a mother.  It isn't woven within their maternal fabric to admit that no future exists for their children.  After all, their children are the future. times like these, when everything seems upside down and nothing matters, futures seem much less certain, far more expendable. 

Moving on to today's onslaught of horrific, frightening, nauseating news, I'm just going to let Robert Reich do the talking.  He says it way better than I could ever write it. 

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