Tuesday, December 6, 2016

wake the fuck up, America

Today, our PGIC Elect tweeted out the following:

$4 billion?! That's excessive! - first thought, right?  Well, it would be, I suppose, if it were true

Click here for an article, from Bloomberg.com, where Boeing execs offer Trump a renegotiation on the deal.  It's worth a read.   Most importantly, it states that the actual cost of Boeing's current AF1 contract is $170 million, way less than $4 billion (regardless of the Pentagon's budget, which may never be matched or surpassed).  Well, that's assuming math and facts matter anymore (I'm still holding onto hope that they do).

There must be a reason for our PGIC Elect's utterly careless and maddening use of Twitter to cause a major airline's stock to crash today.  Hmm...what could that reason be?  Seems the man-baby, POSIC Elect doesn't like criticism.  That makes him tough, though, if you believe his flying monkey, knuckle-dragging, MAGA fucktwits.  To them, he's a tough business guy sticking it to the big corporations and draining a swamp somewhere in Washington...somewhere not on a map or in reality. 

Then!  There is the Carrier Deal.  I'm not going to attempt to expound on this clusterfuck, so instead I'll offer this link then another link, and finally this link.  Summary in case you don't like to read: Humpty-Trumpty blustered, bullshitted and lied while Carrier gets $7 million in tax breaks, sends 1,300 jobs to Mexico, keeps 1,100 730 jobs in America, but most of those 730 jobs will be automated. 

I wrote the above to record it.  Facts matter now more than ever before (certainly in my lifetime).  Something has happened and it's even bigger than Trump.  Part of our country's collective psyche has shifted.  They simply don't believe in facts anymore or, at a minimum, they question them.  And it's not questioning out of curiosity (as we all should), but out of denial.

In the past week, on The Diane Rehm Show, one of Trump's surrogates, the ghastly ignorant Scottie Nell Hughes said this:

"Well, I think it's also an idea of an opinion. And that's—on one hand, I hear half the media saying that these are lies. But on the other half, there are many people that go, 'No, it's true.' And so one thing that has been interesting this entire campaign season to watch, is that people that say facts are facts—they're not really facts. Everybody has a way—it's kind of like looking at ratings, or looking at a glass of half-full water. Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth, or not truth. There's no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts.
"And so Mr. Trump's tweet, amongst a certain crowd—a large part of the population—are truth. When he says that millions of people illegally voted, he has some—amongst him and his supporters, and people believe they have facts to back that up. Those that do not like Mr. Trump, they say that those are lies and that there are no facts to back it up."

Yeah, there you go..."There's no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts."  If that doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck rise, you aren't paying attention.

We're losing if we don't fight.  And by we, I mean sane, intelligent, logical, compassionate and honest Americans.  Our country has quite literally been taken over.  A coup has occurred.  Trump has already broken so many norms/protocols/boundaries and lies with an impunity that's downright shocking.  

Wake the fuck up, America. This is real, not imagined. Know truth from lie, fact from fiction, right from wrong, good from evil...or learn the hard way...or don't learn at all (which could quite literally come true for a future generation of children in this country if Trump's cabinet pick of Betty DeVos as Education Secretary comes to fruition). 

Oh, and brush up on your history now more than ever before, because a) it could, horrifically, very well be repeated; and b) it may be erased.  Yes, we are "there yet."

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